Email signature for September 2023
This academic year, we would like you to update your email signatures. We will replace the Grow/bursary image and link with our simple and strong strapline, Perfectly Balanced, and this document will help you to make that change.
- Click New Email
- On the Message tab under Include, select Signature and then subsequently select Signatures:
- Under Select signature to edit, choose New, and in the New Signature dialog box, name your new signature (I have called this ‘Perfectly Balanced’).
- Under Edit signature, copy/type your relevant details and include the new Perfectly Balanced image (provided in email).
- Finally, to make this your default signature for all new emails, under Choose default signature, select your new signature’s name from the New messages drop down:
How to set our your email signature
St George’s College Staff Example
St George’s Junior School Staff Example
St George’s Weybridge Staff Example