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Email signature for September 2023

This academic year, we would like you to update your email signatures. We will replace the Grow/bursary image and link with our simple and strong strapline, Perfectly Balanced, and this document will help you to make that change.

  1. Click New Email


  1. On the Message tab under Include, select Signature and then subsequently select Signatures:

Graphical user interface, application, WordDescription automatically generated

  1. Under Select signature to edit, choose New, and in the New Signature dialog box, name your new signature (I have called this ‘Perfectly Balanced’).

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated 




  1. Under Edit signature, copy/type your relevant details and include the new Perfectly Balanced image (provided in email).



  1. Finally, to make this your default signature for all new emails, under Choose default signature, select your new signature’s name from the New messages drop down:


A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated



How to set our your email signature



St George’s College Staff Example

A close-up of a websiteDescription automatically generated


St George’s Junior School Staff Example

A close-up of a websiteDescription automatically generated


St George’s Weybridge Staff Example

A close-up of a logoDescription automatically generated

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