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With Outlook you can create a rule that makes all your sent emails sit in your outbox for 60 seconds (or longer) before they actually send.  So if you’ve been in the position where you’ve pressed ‘send’ and then immediately panicked about sending it to the wrong person, or you’ve cc’d when you should have bcc’d etc, you have that 60-second (or longer) window to go into your outbox and stop the email from sending.


  1. Click on ‘file’ in the top left and then ‘manage rules and alerts’ half way down:


  1. Click on ‘new rule’


  1. Click on ‘apply rule on messages I send’ and then click ‘next’:


  1. Choose the conditions of the emails you want to apply the rule to, but if you choose no conditions it will apply the rule to every email you ever send


  1. Click the checkbox of ‘defer delivery…’.  Then in the very bottom window, click on the blue underlined ‘a number of minutes’ and choose the number of minutes you want your emails to be delayed by (minimum is 1 minute) and click on ‘next’:


  1. Choose if you want any exceptions to your rule.  Just click ‘next’ if you don’t want any exceptions.


  1. On the next page give your rule a name (eg. 60 Second Email Delay).  Click on ‘finish’


  1. If you ever want to turn this rule, go back into ‘file’ and ‘manage rules and alerts’ and simply remove the rule from your active rules list.

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Ext 5555

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01932 839 422 www.stgeorgesweybridge.com

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