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Sharing a form can be easily done in a few clicks and embedded straight into an email.

  1. When your Form is ready, click on 'Collect responses'.

    2. On this screen you must choose your ausience for the Form.

  • For inside the school choose ‘Only people in St George’s Weybridge can respond’.
  • If you are sending the form to parents, choose ‘Anyone can respond’.

    3.The next step is to copy the link to allow people (parents, students etc.) to complete the form. To the right of the screen, click on the ‘Copy link’ button.

And just like that you're ready to share the link to collect responses. Keep reading to discover who to add the link to an email with your own choice of message.

   4. Head over to Outlook. Either start a new email or continue with one you are drafting.

       Click on this icon to insert a link. This icon is to insert any type of web link.

   5. Paste the link into the bottom box where it says ‘Web address (URL)’

   6. In the top box where is says ‘Display as’, you can write your own hyperlink instead of the link being displayed - much smarter that way.

Done! Now in the body of your email is a clickable link to the form you have made. The link of the form will display in blue.

Any problems pleasee let us know.

Service Desk [email protected]

St George’s Weybridge

Ext 5555

Service Desk Teams Channel

01932 839 422 www.stgeorgesweybridge.com

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